Studio Pink Pineapple announced the adaptation of the visual novel “Shigokare: Ecchi na JoshiDaisei todoke x2 Love Lesson!!”from the Studio “Atelier Kaguya Bare & Bunny”, which was released in September 2019. The first series is expected in late November 2019.
The protagonist of the story Suou Akira young Japanese boy who miraculously recovers from an incurable disease. However, he is still very weak and has not fully recovered, so he has a very reduced mental and physical ability. At this time, his Academy introduces an unexpectedly difficult exam, which Suow will never be able to pass and it threatens him with expulsion. On the advice of his doctor, the guy goes to the local women’s hostel to get acquainted with private Tutors. The girls see Suou as “potential” and force him to stay in their Dorm. And so begins a truly debauched adventures of our hero!
Shigokare: Ecchi na Joshi Daisei to Doki x2 Love Lesson!! The Animation, しごカレ ~エッチな女子大生とドキx2ラブレッスン!! THE ANIMATION, 시고카레 ~야한 여대생과 두근 x2 러브 레슨!!