Pinkpineapple Studio has announced a hentai anime adaptation of the manga “Onaho Kyoushitsu ~Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku~” by Oouso. The release is scheduled for the end of October 2021. The main character of the story gets a super-secret impudent man who will soon allow him to have sex with absolutely any girl he can imagine. Since the main character has never been lucky in a relationship with the opposite sex, he decides to take revenge on all his abusers…
オナホ教室 ~女子全員妊娠計画~ THE ANIMATION, Onaho Kyoushitsu: Joshi Zen`in Ninshin Keikaku – The Animation, Onaho Classroom-All Girls Pregnancy Plan-THE ANIMATION, Onaho Kyoushitsu: Joshi Zenin Ninshin Keikaku – The Animation, Onahole Classroom