Popular Studio Survive presented its new work in the genre of animated comics based on the cgi manga “Jika Bukken x Ryuugakusei ~Yojouhan no Fukashigi na Jouji~” from the author Yolki Palki aka Rororogi Mogera. Hentai was released in late November 2020 and published on streaming services in early December.
The main character of the hentai exchange girl saya, who flew to Japan to go to University. She is financially limited, so she chooses the cheapest housing. She was warned that there was a Ghost in the apartment, but I never believed in them, so I didn’t think much of it, because the price was too attractive. However, on the first night, the girl was subjected to a chain of perverted attacks on her sexual body. Saya initially wanted to move to another apartment, but eventually became addicted to depraved entertainment with a Ghost…
事故物件×留学生 ~四畳半の不可思議な情事~ The Motion Anime, Jiko Bukken x Ryuugakusei ~Yojouhan no Fukashigi na Jouji~ The Motion Anime