Kenta Suzumura is an unemployed man who has never managed to maintain a job or a loving relationship. On the other hand, his brother Kouta is handsome, intelligent, and married to a beautiful Russian woman named Arisa. However, when Kouta announces that he will be away on a business trip, Kenta decides to seize the opportunity and "educate" Arisa about Japan in the absence of her husband—of course, in the most obscene ways possible…
片田舎に嫁いできた○シア娘とHしまくるお話, Katainaka ni Totsui de Kita Russia Musume to H Shimakuru Ohanashi, A Story of How a Russian Girl Suddenly Became a Part of My Back-Country Household and How Lots of Sex Ensued, 片田舎に嫁いできたロシア娘とHしまくるお話, 시골구석에 시집온 0시아 아가씨와 H하다