Hentai anime adaptation of the manga ” Muchi Muchi Kyousei Seichouchuu!!! / むち無知ッ強制成長中っ!!!”authored by Maron ☆ Maron (koto) was announced by Selfish Studio.
The protagonist of the story works in the” garden”, which is visited by absolutely adult students with very impressive forms. Girls like in any magical girl made a “henshin” and grown up and incredibly sexy. But what are they doing here? Where they came from? Why do they come here to have sex? And why is this place called “garden”?
むち無知ッ強制成長中っ!!!, Muchi Muchi Kyousei Seichouchuu!!!, Dumb girls in puberty!!!, Plump, Innocent, and Forcibly Grown Up!!!, 무지무지 강제 성장 중