My name is Hajime Namikawa. I’m an ordinary student who belongs to the university’s manga research club, called “Man-ken”, a group of otaku called “Otasaa”. Himezuki-san, the red-hot girl of the club, is kind to all the otaku and always smiling. Thanks to her, the circle’s atmosphere is good, and she is a necessary member of the circle. Then a first-year student, Hanasaki-san, joined the club. She has the looks of a girl who would be popular with the yo-kas, but for some reason she chose to join this club. Hanasaki-san has no prejudice against otaku, and she is very friendly. She quickly became familiar with the circle members. It was so far so good…….
オタサーの姫は私なんだから!~あの子、童貞みんなで壊しちゃえ~ PLAY MOVIE, Otasa no Hime wa Watashi nan Dakara! ~Ano Ko, Doutei Minna de Kowashichae~ PLAY MOVIE