Studio Survive continues to produce animated comics nonstop. This time their choice fell on “Papa Katsu Kanojo ~ Ria Kisaragi & Ran Hoshizaki ~ The Motion Anime” based on the CGI manga of the same name 38.5° (Kimino Yume). Hentai consists of two full-fledged episodes, the first part of it is presented to you.
The main character of the story is an ordinary middle-level manager who has become despised by his own wife and hated by his daughter. He is broken and trying to find a way to assuage the pain in his chest. He meets two female students (Ria Kisaragi – a dark-haired sexual libertine and Hanazono Mike – a blonde gyaru), who are ready to heal his mental wounds for a small fee.
パパ活カノジョ 〜如月莉愛&星月蘭編〜 The Motion Anime, Papa Katsu Kanojo ~ Ria Kisaragi & Ran Hoshizuki ~ The Motion Anime