PinkPineapple Studio and Director Ohara Kazuhiro (Seikatsu Shuukan The Animation, Tonari no Ie no Anette-san The Animation) announced a hentai anime adaptation of the manga “Succubus Stayed Life” authored by the popular mangaki NANIMOSHINAI or Sasamori Tomoe (Houkago no Yuutousei).
My name is Matsukawa. Since my parents often work away from home, I started living on my own. However, less than six months later, I began to live with my classmate Sakuramachi-San, who loudly declared that she was a real succubus. I’ve never even dared to speak to her before, and honestly, I’ve never seen her speak to anyone at all. It was very strange and unexpected. I led her to my room without the slightest suspicion. She seemed like a completely ordinary and unsociable girl, but at the same time she was incredibly popular with guys. “If I could get closer to her through this…” – I couldn’t deny that I didn’t have such thoughts. However, that night it was MENA who was attacked and raped into unconsciousness. Sakuramachi-San needs constant sperm absorption and moved in with me in search of a stable source of energy…
サキュバステードライフ THE ANIMATION, Succubus Stayed Life The Animation, 서큐버스 테이드라이프