An adaptation of the manga “Yubisaki kara Honkino Netsujou: Osananajimi wa Shoukoushi” by Tanishi Kawano (Tanishi Cavanaugh) has been announced. The release is scheduled for July 2019. The production will Studio Houkiboshi. Hentai will be released in a short format as part of the festival “Comic Fiesta Anime Zone”. The exact number of episodes and duration of episodes is not yet known.
The main character of the story of Rio Fuji ours was trapped in a fire right in his apartment. Firefighters quickly arrive at the scene to save the unfortunate girl. Among which is her childhood friend Sum Mizuno, in which she was once in love. Soon mad flames engulfed the apartment, kindle in the heart of the Rio long extinguished fire of first love…
Yubisaki kara Honki no Netsujou: Osananajimi wa Shouboushi, 指先から本気の熱情-幼なじみは消防士-, 指尖传出的真挚热情-青梅竹马是消防员-, 손끝에서부터 진심의 열정 -소꿉친구는 소방관-, Fire in His Fingertips: My Childhood Friend is a Firefighter